

Walk alongside and guide women out of the pit of betrayal and despair into the light of Jesus Christ to achieve Truth, Safety and Peace.

What women are saying

about being mentored by Allison...

Allison is genuine and very relatable, humble and caring. She has been through betrayal trauma herself which gives her empathy towards me and my journey of betrayal trauma.

I feel seen and heard and understood. Allison does not hurry me along if I ask questions that get us off track from the lesson.

Allison is anointed by God to do this mentoring.

Personalized to my needs, God centered, Allison has been there and gained knowledge from life experiences but then fortified herself with extra training.

Christian based, God references are awesome! The material covers so many things in my journey of healing from betrayal trauma. The lessons challenge and stretch me.

I know God is using Allison to guide me in my healing journey.

The lessons Allison leads me through has hit all the points that I need to understand and does it all by pointing you back to God as healer and provider. It is an easy-to-use curriculum, though the subject matter is not easy. It is very thorough and explains all of the issues related to betrayal trauma.

Allison's sessions with me have been so very beneficial! I'm so grateful that God led me to her. She is organized and keeps all the homework in one place. She understands me and helps me understand what is going on inside me and why. This helps me feel normal and not crazy. I have transformed from God through Allison so much, I can live my life now.

I like coming behind someone who truly understands and is leading the way to healing.

  Allison is overly generous with her time! I am grateful to have this resource and support! I like that I am not alone anymore. Allison understands the problem and can point me towards healing.

What women, who have been mentored by Allison,

are saying to YOU...

First, pray to God that HE would guide you to the person you need to begin your healing from betrayal trauma.

If you feel led by God, contact Allison with Treasured Hearts Healing and speak with her. She will listen. She will guide you and tell you if she feels she can be of help to you. She is a Godly, genuine mentor.

I never knew there was a term for what I have been living but learning about intimacy anorexia has taught me so much.

Allison truly understands this. She has helped me put words and feelings to my experience. 

If you are feeling alone in your marriage and know something is not right but you just can't figure out what it is; Allison can help you. Reach out to her and get the healing you need.

Allison is a very good mentor. I really like how she does the order of lessons. It is so good even though it can be hard at times.

The healing is really good and so worth it.

Do it for yourself. We put so much time money and energy into healing our husbands, but we have been left in the cold for too long. Take care of yourself ladies. You deserve a chance at healing. Give it to yourself. You are worth it!

You have a beautiful, God given voice!

I want to help you heal your heart

so you can use your voice the way God desires!!

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