

Must Have Myths & Truths about Forgiveness:

(Plus, find out what stage forgiving usually happens and why) 

Have you heard these words "Please forgive me?" after another drip disclosure, discovery, manipulation tactic, lie, etc?

Most of us will hear these words time and time again in these kinds of situations. Jesus says we should forgive 7x70 times (MATTHEW 18:22); but what does forgiveness really mean anyways? Am I supposed to forgive and just turn the other cheek? And, should you forgive right away after each violation? Do you know what your partner believes forgiveness is; does that really matter? Is there such a thing as pre-mature forgiveness?

Learn answers to these questions and more! Find out what forgiveness really is and isn't before you keep saying "I forgive you" each time he asks you "Please forgive me?"

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